Friday, August 19, 2005

Do i need to bother with a title everytime?

School is nearly upon us and i still have to complete one maths paper :(

Well i've got my school shoes! So that's me happy...they are the oddest shoes i've ever worn...but hey what can you do? They were the best ones i could find...

Here's advice to anyone reading this DO NOT watch the movie Crash, it is filled with the biggest load of boredom that ever creeped into the movie theatre...seriouly, it's bad, real bad.

I wonder when dk of ed starts back...kinda miss it in a way, it was fun in an odd muddy sort of way gold this year, must get my own walking boots, last time from borrowing the centre's, i got really bad blisters on my feet, that had formed after like 5 mins of walking... still have scars from that traumatic period of my life :P

over and out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, you don't have to bother with a title.

And Duke of Ed. Good for you. I think this year's gold was in Hong Kong, if only I was doing it!

I might do silver next year but not sure yet. Will have to decide soon.

And I don't wanna go back to school.


9:30 PM  
Blogger soraya said...

Do silver next year? I didn't realise you'd done bronze...or if you didn't most people aren't allowed to do direct entry and have to go through all the stages...

12:53 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Yes, the title makes the post individual, even if, like mine most of the time, it's a song lyric and really doesn't fit with the post...

2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Kathryn's leader person said he'd speak to Sloanie and me about it. He said we could, though and it's not exactly a rule about doing bronze first. You can do silver once you're 15.

2:44 AM  
Blogger James said...

Pah, who needs titles.

12:29 PM  

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