Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Life is a downward spiral to depression...

Hmmm...was in town today with allie and kathryn, was fun....ish

I saw Suzy and Debbie in Quiksilver whilst trying to decide which schoolbag to the end i setteled for the blue boys way will you see me wearing Roxy stuff...

I also saw Hannah, Sophie and Laura Jill in Castlecourt, they ignored us then but later when seeing them on the main street they all waved heartilly at me and said hi, it was quite unexpected...

OMW school shoes are sooo expensive, to buy a half way decent pair it costs £50!! I'm serious! how will i ever find a decent pair.... :(


Blogger James said...

"my serious"?

I won't ask for the female definition of "decent pair"

It'll take too long no doubt.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only lace-up school shoes you can find in Hong Kong are in the boys' section..

Try Clarkes'-mine weren't that expensive and they looked OK.

2:54 AM  
Blogger Emma said...

To James; stop being such a chauvinist.

And to Soraya, am extremely happy that I saw nobody I knew in town today... Apart from Mrs Diffin in a coffee shop (another good reason I won't go to one) and some Yr 10s/11s... But they don't count...

*does a little dance*

11:40 AM  

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